
Broken People, Faithful God

January 8, 2021 Preacher: Gareth Franks Series: The Book of Judges

Topic: Christian Living, The Gospel Scripture: Judges 2:1–23

Judges chapter 1-2.

The subtitle of our series is BROKEN PEOPLE, FAITHFUL GOD. Though God’s people fall into disbelief, idolatry, and apostasy, God remains faithful. The book of Judges shines a light onto the muddy waters of human rebellion. Even in the midst of human wickedness God’s grace shows us how only the divine can redeem the fallen.

The book of Judges is all about how humans failed to solve their own problems. Despite their inadequacies, disobedience and failure, we’re going to see God’s faithfulness shine in the darkness of these human failures.

Even in the blood-stained pages of the book of Judges we can see the theme of the gospel running throughout. We see the depth of our sin and the terrible consequences it produces, and we see our desperate need for a Saviour from the sin that entangles us. We see a God of grace who, time after time, comes to the aid of his people even though they have done nothing to earn his favour. We see a covenant God of faithfulness who will not abandon his people; no matter how far they fall from him, he will always draw them back to himself. We see broken, imperfect people who humble themselves before a holy God and are used for his purposes. All of these things are part of God's story, God's message, and God's invitation to all people to be a part of his kingdom.

Discussion Questions

1. What is the tension between what God said before in v.1, and what He says now in v.3?

2. What does God command Israel to do, both in Joshua's time and after he has died? (Read Joshua 1v1-9; 23v3-13)

3. Judges 2:11-15 tells us that Israel turned to idol worship. Why did this happen? What lesson can we learn from this about peer pressure?

4. We learn in verse 16-18 that Israel continually turned their back on God and went whoring after other gods. Did God forget about them during this time? Why did He help them? What can we learn about God from this?

More in The Book of Judges

April 9, 2021

The Canaanite Within Us

March 26, 2021

Judges 17-18: Israel’s Ultimate Sin

March 19, 2021

Samson: The Unwanted Saviour